KnitWarm @ Gerontech and Innovation Expo
Thanks Mr. Alfred Sit Wing-hang, JP Secretary for Innovation and Technology Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region fir...

KnitWarm won the Hong Kong ICT Awards2020: Smart People Grand Award and Smart Ageing Gold Award
The Hong Kong ICT Awards2020: Smart People Grand Award and Smart Ageing Gold Award go to KnitWarm, co-developed by Fung Fat Knitting Mfy...

KnitWarm @ HK01:香港品牌不鬥平 以品質取勝

KnitWarm 4-in-1 Warmer Blanket Cushion @ GIES 2020 Exhibition
4-in-1 Warmer Blanket Cushion Brand: KnitWarm 暖之織 Function(s): Elevate your travel experience with the travel essential blanket / pillow...