「智能發熱護膝」由來 @ 口水多過浪花
口水多過浪花 facebook: 智能發熱護膝是一個「落到地」的研發產品,香港、英國、巴黎、瑞士百貨公司有售。是Elita 老師跟一間針織工廠利用電導發熱物料設計的產品。 https://www.facebook.com/591146314238266/posts/3475...
KnitWarm 3-in-1 Beanie @ HK Times Square mega TV
KnitWarm® 暖之織『多功能發熱帽』贏得香港智營設計大賞 2020 個人配襯禮品組別-金獎 現身香港時代廣場電視上 KnitWarm® 3-in-1 Beanie has won Gold Award in Hong Kong Smart Design Award...
KnitWarm arrived in Smartech at Jelmoli Zurich
KnitWarm has been launched in Smartech at Jelmoli Zurich, Switzerland. Red Dot Awards and Hong Kong Smart Design Awards winning...
KnitWarm award winning products @ Maison & Objet Paris
KnitWarm award winning products, Shawl NeckPillow 2-in-1, KnitWarm Wrap and CalfSleeve will be showcased in MAISON&OBJET PARIS, an...
The KnitWarm Technology from KnitWarm, is a stretchable and heat-conductive innovative textile
The KnitWarm Technology from KnitWarm, is a stretchable and heat-conductive innovative textile. See more @knitwarmhk KnitWarm, a Hong...
KnitWarm 【本土發明商機】導電纖維做貼身衫彈性透氣抗寒冬 - SME@hket 商管策略
天氣即將轉冷,帶有發熱功能的衣服又即將重現巿場,但這些依靠充電器供電製熱的衣服無一因為設計問題而顯得笨重又款式單一,但往往不夠覆蓋身體想添暖的位置。有香港公司發明了新技術,以導電纖維代替傳統發熱衣服內的發熱體,讓衣服在保持彈性的同時都能做到發熱。 逢發織造在香港有 60...
KnitWarm - SMART TEXTILES WARM UP @ ifa-international.org
Winner of a Red Dot Award and the Hong Kong Smart Design Awards, the KnitWarm Wrap soothes muscles with a patented self-heating module,...
KnitWarm @ IFA 2019: Themenvielfalt bei IFA NEXT (in German)
Excerpt from https://www.european-news-agency.de/lokale_nachrichten/ifa_2019_themenvielfalt_bei_ifa_next_-75728/?fbclid=IwAR0VBbr9JSDQMz-...
KnitWarm @Mundo Digital (in Portuguese)
KnitWarm - RTHK Radio 2
香港電台第二台 RTHK Radio 2 姿姿整整訪問 【原來布料都可以傳電傳熱】 👇🏻網上重溫 https://www.rthk.hk/radio/radio2/programme/fabulous/episode/588529/autoplay/archive/0 ...