KnitWarm mask:主攻本地 外銷佔比小
港產口罩商:主攻本地 外銷佔比小 美國海關要求9月25日起,香港出口到美國貨物必須標明來源地是「中國」,本地紡織公司逢發織造總監郭志雄昨接受香港文匯報訪問時表示,相關措施對其業務雖有影響,但影響程度不大,因為早前已出了一批貨,而且該公司的出口地不是集中去美國,還出口到亞洲及...
WORDS BY HELENA BAMMANT Mask on. If COVID-19 has left us with anything positive, it’s the addition of a new fashion item. As most of...
KnitWarm Mask: 紡織廠轉型研製智能口罩
香港本土紡織業逐漸式微,新冠疫情使加工廠受大批訂單取消的重創,傳統企業紛紛轉型尋求出路。扎根香港愈半世紀的逢發織造亦是其中之一,投資轉型研發創新技術專利產品,斥資千萬打造本土品牌KnitWarm,兩年間推出織暖發熱口罩等多款智能保健發熱產品,在香港及歐美等地取得專利。 ...
KnitWarm @ HKSDA Awards Presentation Ceremony 2020
Fung Fat Knitting Mfy Ltd won 5 awards in HK Smart Design Award 2020 by inventive KnitWarm products.
KnitWarm mask @ Queensland Country Life
Wool masks introducing new customers to the fibre's many benefits. Offering an alternative to the synthetic variety of face masks are new...
SilverTech FaceMask @ FarmOnline
Wool masks introducing new customers to the fibre's many benefits. Offering an alternative to the synthetic variety of face masks are new...
SilverTech FaceMask @The Yarn Podcast
High Light: New age wool masks have been produced and may well bring a silver lining to the COVID pandemic. to listen:...
KnitWarm SilverTech FaceMask featured by the Woolmark Company
As face masks become the latest wardrobe essential, it’s important to choose one that suits your needs. Wool face masks offer a...
Clips about FaceMask from Mun Roads interview - 門路「猛人」專訪片段
由一間中小企紡織廠成功躋身到科學園,終於體驗到紡織業嘅創造力,同埋將科技應用喺紡織產品上嘅威力。佢哋仲喺疫情出現「口罩荒」嘅時候,研發出一款可重用防水抗菌口罩,仲好快已經打進國際市場。 足本訪問可使用門路app 猛人專訪上集: 【當傳統行業步向夕陽...
SilverTech FaceMask @ yahoo news【經濟之選】可重用口罩
香港KnitWarm SilverTech FaceMask 於香港製造、逢發織造旗下的KnitWarm銀離子口罩(SilverTech FaceMask)並非一般布口罩,以紡織機能設計,重疊開口設計,方便於中間放入濾芯,多重保護,可清洗重用。其Facebook公開的檢測報...