明報:新型發熱紡織物料 禦寒保健用途廣 〈本地研發 港商量產〉https://news.mingpao.com/pns/dailynews/web_tc/article/20180119/s00004/1516298306561 【明報專訊】近日香港氣溫一度急降,暖袋、暖包等保暖用品大為暢銷。但不說不知,香港紡織及成衣研發中心近年成功...
AM730: 62 original designs won the "HK Smart Design Awards" and were exhibited for four consecutive days to showcase HK's strength to the world.
am730 - HKTDC: The number of conferences and exhibitions in HK has returned to 90% of pre-epidemic levels in the first quarter of this year, with seven events held in April