KnitWarm @ 經濟一週 EDigest facebook第14屆「經一中小企大獎」的「正能量大獎」銅獎得主KnitWarm 暖之織,是生於斯長於斯的香港品牌,他們研發及設計的保暖織品設計屢獲殊榮,包括德國紅點獎、香港智營設計大賞,以及「2020香港資訊及通訊科技獎:智慧市民大獎」。...
AM730: 62 original designs won the "HK Smart Design Awards" and were exhibited for four consecutive days to showcase HK's strength to the world.
am730 - HKTDC: The number of conferences and exhibitions in HK has returned to 90% of pre-epidemic levels in the first quarter of this year, with seven events held in April