Lenzing TENCEL x KnitWarm at PERFORMANCE DAYS workshop (Munich, Germany)
TENCEL Lenzing x KnitWarm at PERFORMANCE DAYS workshop: TENCEL® - Botanic Performance & Thermoregulation https://www.performancedays.com...
KnitWarm @ fibre2fashion.com - Performance Days to present topic on thermal technologies
Performance Days, the pioneer in trends of the textile industry, is set to present the topic of thermal technologies at the Performance...
KnitWarm sponsor WWF Hong Kong Walk For Nature 2017
【 KnitWarm x WWF Hong Kong 】 Join “Walk for Nature” with us! See you on 4-5 November at Mai Po! Enroll: http://wwf.hk/W4N2017_e...
KnitWarm @ saz SPORTS fashion: Warm Intelligence - Smarte Wärme (in German)
If passive warming technologies are not enough, additional warmth can come via intelligent textile solutions – a power bank is simply...
頭條日報: 本地研發生產導電紗線 港產發熱織品 輸送暖意
http://hd.stheadline.com/news/daily/hk/611231/ 市面上保暖產品琳瑯滿目,由暖手包到電熱氈應有盡有,香港一家織造公司加入市場競爭,採用導電紗線技術,研發全新發熱紡織品,製成「暖手巾」和紓緩眼睛疲勞的「暖眼罩」,隨時揑、摺或浸水,也...
KnitWarm in Supima Cotton showcased in Première Vision (Paris, France)
What’s new in cotton? Supima Cotton knit trench coat with KnitWarm® on upper back lining. stay chic and warm. Première Vision Paris is...
Ming's 時裝的另一種想像空間:成衣界新科技
https://mings.mpweekly.com/mings-fashion/20170801-55689 科技可以好貼地!將衫褲接上流動電池,30秒就會發熱。 將暖織接上流動電池,能在30秒內發熱。 利用導電紗線的電阻令織物發熱的方法,生產創新的發熱面料,將織物接上流...
Knitwarm showcased at DBS Business Class - Apparel Disrupt
https://www.dbs.com.hk/sme/businessclass/event/apparel_disrupt DBS BusinessClass firmly believes that continuous innovation and...