KnitWarm @ ezone: 本地資訊科技精英 創造改變生活的新技術(Media coverage in Chinese) 節錄自e-zone : 天氣轉冷,穿多少衣服也總是手腳冰冷,在家可以開著暖爐、抱著暖水袋,但出外便只能靠多添衣服的被動式保暖。近年市面湧現不少發熱外套,但大多數只集中在某部位發熱,且需要接駁不少電線,使用感或觀感都不太...
AM730: 62 original designs won the "HK Smart Design Awards" and were exhibited for four consecutive days to showcase HK's strength to the world.
am730 - HKTDC: The number of conferences and exhibitions in HK has returned to 90% of pre-epidemic levels in the first quarter of this year, with seven events held in April