KnitWarm @ 星島日報 - 至醒買保暖裝備 禦寒救星 這陣子的天氣,真是寒冷得很,頸巾、冷帽及大衣等保暖衣物統統出動。但身處辦公室時,十指仍可能恍如「雪條」般冰凍。小編剛發現本地品牌KnitWarm 暖之織,正推出「冬日送暖」限時折扣,產品包括王牌織暖小頸巾、發熱背帶及織暖頸繩等保暖救星!...
AM730: 62 original designs won the "HK Smart Design Awards" and were exhibited for four consecutive days to showcase HK's strength to the world.
am730 - HKTDC: The number of conferences and exhibitions in HK has returned to 90% of pre-epidemic levels in the first quarter of this year, with seven events held in April