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Announcement | 2024 K-Design Award Winning Project: WarmerShoulder

KnitWarm WarmerShoulder

WarmerShoulder meets self-care needs identified by physiotherapists, addressing challenges in traditional shoulder heating products. Integrating heat-conductive smart textile technology, it offers comfort at just 97 grams with comprehensive coverage. Crafted from recycled polyester & silver-coated yarn, it enhances sustainability, ensuring breathability and antibacterial properties. Its diagonal clipping design ensures an ergonomic fit. Durable construction minimizes replacements, setting new standards for health products, positively impacting environmental conservation and seamlessly integrating into daily routines to mitigate injury risks.

WarmerShoulder 「肩暖護帶」

source: https://m.sohu.com/a/802685395_121124791


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