Join us at WWF HK Walk For Nature 2018
KnitWarm continues to support WWF Hong Kong, Walk for Nature 2018, which will be held on 4th and 5th November. As per WWFHK’s request, we have prepared KnitWarm Warmerchief in two endangered birds, “the Great Knot” and “the Laysan Albatross”. They will be the fundraising awards prizes.

Warmerchief is an unconventional handkerchief that warms up in 30 seconds with our KnitWarm technology. Powered by a 5V2A battery, it comes with a mini-control device that offers 3 heat-level that caters to users’ preferences. KnitWarm Warmerchief is environment-friendly. Just like a traditional handkerchief, it is washable. Many similar heatable products are hard to wash and care for, making the Warmerchief durable for repeated use. This helps reduce the wastage of using one-time disposable hot pack. In addition, Warmerchief is light in weight, so you are able to have one available at your fingertips.
The Great Knot
The endangered great knot is under threat from various factors.
Common name: Great Knot
Scientific name: Calidris tenuirostris
Body length: 26-28 cm
Estimated population in Hong Kong: 278 in 2016, 301 in 2010
Range: breeds in northeast Siberia, Russia, winters mainly in Australia, but also throughout the coastline of Southeast Asia
The Albatross
Albatrosses are the largest seabirds on the planet. They are good at gliding and are highly regarded by mariners. Unfortunately, with the increase in the number marine plastic litters, the Albatross parents are unable to distinguish between food and plastic garbage. As a result, the young birds are fed with plastic litters, causing them to suffer from hunger, dehydration, and even death. 15 out of 22 species of Albatross are now listed as vulnerable, endangered and critically endangered on the IUCN Red List..
How do water birds choose their habitat? Each year, different types of migrating water birds travel along the East Asian-Australasian Flyway, an arduous journey that requires a good resting ground such as Mai Po. Watch this video featuring Walk For Nature 2018 ambassador 林二汶 Eman Lam, who tells us more about how water birds choose their habitat in Mai Po.
Follow the birds and get ready to #flapyourwings !
