KnitWarm LanyardWarmer X ideasfromlife Washable Paper ID Badge Holder in Classy Denim Style present
KnitWarm LanyardWarmer X ideas from life Washable Paper ID Badge Holder in Classy Denim Style (limited crossover project for Hong Kong Denim Festival)
Lanyards and badges perform important tasks on different occasions in modern days. Stop disposing of these gadgets after events. This crossover lanyard and holder offers additional tech and better durability.
Heartwarming lanyard gives a self-soothing touch and helps relieving neck stiffness and muscle discomfort. 3D embedded smart textile offers gentle heat when encounter a chilly environment.
Sustainable & durable washable paper badge holder is crafted by from a sustainably-produced sheet of washable kraft paper to replace leather, with similar durability and water-resistance as well as it being cruelty-free, and is definitely a wise choice in a splendour approach. 呈獻 香港牛仔節 別注限定!
「暖之織 KnitWarm 」「 紙造可能 ideasfromlife 」溫度聯乘系列
皇牌產品 「織暖頸繩」是學生、上班一族及醫護人員的至愛,毫無負擔的輕便證件掛繩外型,讓人不止暖在心頭,適合人體的溫熱更可消除疲勞!通過掛繩的傳熱增加頭頸部血液流通,減少工作的緊繃及疼痛症狀。掛繩的溫度可隨個人喜好調校,讓你在神不知鬼不覺間低調取暖。
Personalized heat debossing service
We heat and press the phase into the impression you wanted. The burned effect is permanent. The charm is to age together with the washable paper.
Pre-order today @ BeLife Store