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KnitWarm received German Design Award 2023 | Special Mention

We are thrilled to announce that we have won German Design Award 2023!

KnitWarm CrossOver Scarf has been granted the Special Mention Award in the category Lifestyle and Fashion for Excellent Product Design by the German Design Council. With its worldwide spectrum and international appeal, it is one of the most prestigious awards in the industries.

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KnitWarm CrossOver Scarf combines natural fiber and textile technology benefits by knitting heat-conductive smart textiles with merino wool to create the ultimate comfortable wearables and remove bulkiness. It is indistinguishable from regular knits. This soft and airy scarf gives a gentle sensation like the skin under the sunshine when plugged. The high breathability of the Scarf differentiates itself from other heat-generating appliances as it will not cause any irritations to the skin or allergies. The timeless and minimal design incorporates wear comfort and functionality. Let you stay warm without any fear of sudden changes in the weather.


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Knit Warm has been filed patent protection application. 

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