TVB news 無綫新聞 - 理大研紗線導電發熱衣 有廠商引入技術製保暖用品有紡織公司引入新技術,希望能推動紡織產品高增值發展,從而提升香港紡織行業的競爭力。 紡織廠商郭志雄指:「消費者可以穿少些衣服,達到比較暖的目的,同時感到很漂亮,整個概念與我們想做這一行一樣,想做漂亮的東西。」 廠商已推出發熱手帕等產品,並計劃推展至歐美國家。有紡織公司引入新技術,希望能推動紡織產品高增值發展,從而提升香港紡織行業的競爭力。 紡織廠商郭志雄指:「消費者可以穿少些衣服,達到比較暖的目的,同時感到很漂亮,整個概念與我們想做這一行一樣,想做漂亮的東西。」 廠商已推出發熱手帕等產品,並計劃推展至歐美國家。
AM730: 62 original designs won the "HK Smart Design Awards" and were exhibited for four consecutive days to showcase HK's strength to the world.
am730 - HKTDC: The number of conferences and exhibitions in HK has returned to 90% of pre-epidemic levels in the first quarter of this year, with seven events held in April